If you are headed to the beach on your end-of-year holiday you will definitely have packed towels and costumes. You probably even packed sun tan lotion, and toys for the kids to play with. No matter how well-planned you are, we think there are things you probably need, but have never thought to pack. Here are our top five:
Rubbish bag
These days everyone is afraid of the damage that is being done to the planet, but we rarely think about it when there is a chance we can do something. Taking a rubbish bag to the beach will allow you to leave the space around you neater than it was when you arrived and ensure the plastic garbage on the beach never makes it into the sea.
A mesh tote bag or laundry hamper
Sand from the beach gets everywhere. You will find it turning up in your home weeks and even months after you last saw the sea. The main culprit for this is unsurprisingly the children’s beach toys. A mesh tote or laundry bag will allow you to ensure this never happens. Simply put all the toys in the mesh bag then drag it under the shower or through the tidal pool to leave the beach sand where it belongs, on the beach.
Waterproof phone case
You want the photos of your family on the beach but don’t want to risk your phone. A waterproof phone case will help keep the water out, but will also stop sand from getting where it doesn’t belong. There are even waterproof cases now that really work, allowing you to take pictures of your children in the sea or even the fish under the water in rock pools.
Medical Aid Kit
If you are going to the beach in South Africa the chances are there will be a lifeguard tower with the very basic medical needs near by. The problem is, this doesn’t help you deal with immediate problems and puts a lot of obligation on other people. A simple medical aid kit contains bandages, and plasters which will deal with most small accidents, and may also include headache pills in case all the sun and sea becomes too much. Add a simple jelly fish sting cream and you should be all set for any of the otherwise small things that could upset your day.