WATCH: Buffalos Exact Revenge on Lion


The Lion King has been scarring children since the 90s. Mufasa’s cruel death has us depressed every time. This is probably why, seeing this kind of thing in real life is so absolutely shocking. Sure, this time it’s not wildebeest, but rather buffalos, but this lion caught in a stampede is still extremely reminiscent of that Disney classic.

Danica Roux, 28-year-old chef, filmed the stampede while on holiday with her family in the Kruger National Park. The footage was taken at Mestel Dam in the Kruger National Park, not far from Pretoriuskop rest camp, and sent to Latest Sightings. It has recently been receiving significant new coverage. 

WARNING: If you are sensitive this is probably one to avoid. As described by Danica, “My excitement quickly turned to confusion and shock when I realized what was unfolding in front of my eyes. The poor lioness, this majestic predator had gotten herself stuck in the crosshairs of this enormous herd of buffalo. Their survival instincts kicked in and it was chaos, she was tossed about like she weighed nothing.”

“I grabbed my little camera and started recording as soon as possible. Her lifeless body was eventually flung at the base of the dam, left there, limp. We heard another lion calling nearby. We were all left feeling completely shocked and saddened by the events.”