Beer: SAB – Castle Lager

Castle lager, beer,

Beer: Castle Lager
Brewer: Annheuser-Busch Inbev / South African Breweries
Address: The South African Breweries, 56 Grosvenor road Bryanston,
Availability: Year-Round

What the brewery says: 

Brewed from 100% Homegrown quality ingredients and the same recipe since 1895, Castle Lager has been SA’s National Beer for over 125 years. Our golden liquid represents the very best of South Africa with a taste to match a South African thirst.


Aroma: 15/20

Moderate aroma of grainy malts with a touch of corn adjuncts and a slight sweetness.

Appearance: 8/10

Clear golden yellow in colour with a presentable amount of visible carbonation rising from the bottom of the glass. Rich white head, which settles quite quickly and leaves very light lacing.

Flavour: 24/40

An initial crisp grainy taste gives way to a sharp, almost metallic bitterness with a hint of malty sweetness on the finish. Like with many other mass-produced lagers, there is very little complexity to the flavour leaving the overwhelming memory being of that metallic bitterness.

Mouthfeel: 5/10

Rather thin on the mouthfeel it comes across a little watery.

Overall Impression: 14/20

A solid mass-produced lager, that will do the job of being refreshing on a hot summer day, but offers very little reason for you to choose it over any other.

Total of out of 100 points:


Score Breakdown
100 to 95: World beater – Make a plan to try this before you die
94 to 90: Excellent – Drink this now
89 to 85: Good –  Thoroughly enjoyable
84 to 75: It’ll do – You won’t remember it
74 and below: Don’t waste your time