Beer: Devil’s Peak – King’s Blockhouse


Beer: King’s Blockhouse
Brewer: Devil’s Peak
Address: Woodstock, Capetown
Availability: Year-Round

What the brewery says: 

Still our original IPA – still the King, Bask in the heady aromas and bold flavours of juicy, double dry-hopped perfection.

Best enjoyed fresh – the way our brewer intended. Great beer waits for no one.


Aroma: 19/20

Powerful aromas of grapefruit, passionfruit and hops dominate the aroma, which upon a second passing also hints at caramel and maltiness.

Appearance: 8/10

Slight dry-hop haziness on an otherwise deep golden coloured beer with a bright white head that unfortunately settles quite quickly with moderate laciness.

Flavour: 36/40

Sweet fruitiness and caramel malt balanced in perfect harmony with a strong hop bitterness. Pine forest flavours can, at times, seem a touch overpowering. The beer finishes with a long aftertaste of subtle dry bitterness.

Mouthfeel: 9/10

Dry, but not as dry as expected, which actually works. Fine to light carbonation.

Overall Impression: 18/20

An excellent, refreshing and crisp beer with well-balanced flavours and a very pleasing aroma. The genuine hops which is not so dominant as to drown out other flavours. Pine flavour on hops sometimes appears too dominant and it would be nice to have the head last slightly longer than about 2 seconds.

Total of out of 100 points:


Score Breakdown
100 to 95: World beater – Make a plan to try this before you die
94 to 90: Excellent – Drink this now
89 to 85: Good –  Thoroughly enjoyable
84 to 75: It’ll do – You won’t remember it
74 and below: Don’t waste your time